Recents in Beach

Suit of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

 ~ Wands ~

Suit of Wands Tarot Card Meanings: Wands represent fire.They deal with strength and willpower, self-confidence and action. Where cups are considered feminine, Wands are masculine They are power, productivity, and expansion.

Wands Tarot Card

Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are the astrological signs for Wands.

Ace of Wands: The beginning of new energies and desires. Positive new beginnings. Power. Creation. Individualism. Growth. Energy. Virility. Fertlity. Inheritance. Birth. Adventure..

Two of Wands: Having the whole world in your hands. Being in a good position to bargain on your terms. Self confidence. Personal power. Wait to see if plans bear fruit. Kindness. Generosity. Intellect. Good things comming. Fulfillment.

Three of Wands: Waiting for your "ship" to come in. Watching and waiting for the right time to "pounce." Good business. Strength. Grasp of Future.

Four of Wands: A celebration. A wedding. A happy home. Success. Harmony. Romance. A wedding. Newly acquired property. Society. Fruits of labor. Rest. Harvest. Home.

Five of Wands: A fight which could be real or imagined. Confusion. Forces opposing you. Struggle. Conflict. Obstacles. Unsatisfied desires. Internal strife. Indecision.

Six of Wands: Victory. Triumph. Success after hardship. Glory. Balance. Public acclamation. Good news. Important news. Gain. Achievement. Reward for hard work. Great expectations.

Seven of Wands:
A challenge. A test of your ability or courage. Take a stand. Success against obstacles. Problems solved. Bravery.

Eight of Wands:
A trip or vacation. Movement. Swiftness. Ideas becoming reality rapidly. Hope. Action after a period of inaction. Descisions made to hastily.

Nine of Wands:
Anticipation. Being on the defensive. Being able to deal with problems quickly. Alertness. Hidden foes. Waiting for difficulties. Changes.New challenges.

Ten of Wands: Being over burdened. Taking on more than you can handle. Feeling spiritually unbalanced and emotionally low. Having too many responsibilites.

Page of Wands: A young person who is bursting with energy. A messenger that sparks your creative thought process. The beginnings of a project. A good employee.

Knight of Wands: Putting your ideas into action. Eagerness. A sense of adventure. A journey. A move.

Queen of Wands: A very sexual woman. A woman who knows what gives her pleasure in life and who pursues it. Very energetic, passionate woman. Generous. Practicle.

King of Wands: A man of ideas, sometimes too many. A "Jack of all trades." A witty and charming man. Noble. Strong. Sometimes hasty.

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