Recents in Beach

Suit of Cups Tarot Card Meanings ~ Cups ~ ✔️ ❤️

Suit of Cups Tarot Card Meanings: Cups represent water. They refer to the soul, the inner being and the unconscious level. This is the world of feelings, emotions and intuition.


Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are the astrological signs for Cups.

Ace of Cups: The beginning of a new love relationship. Overflowing love in your life. Peace. Joy. Contentment. Harmony. Abundance. Love. Joy. Inspiration. Bounty. Perfection. Fulfillment. Fertility. Good things overflowing. Favorable outlook. Faithfulness.

Two of Cups: A declaration of love being given. A very close friendship acknowledged. An offer of marriage. Balance. Unity. Strong intution. Friendship. Satisfying love. Platonic love.

Three of Cups: Joy and love being felt with close friends. A party. Abundance. Good luck. Intuition takes form.Good fortne. Artistic ability. Sensitivity. Fulfillment. Healing. Harmony.

Four of Cups: A secret admirer. A secret love affair. Being withdrawn emotionally. Depression. New Possibilities. Faithfullness. Solitude.

Five of Cups: Looking at what's been lost as opposed to what is still there. (Crying over spilled milk) Having regrets. (I view this as the true Death card - we grieve for the loss of the person who is now somewhere far more beautiful, lacking pain, etc.) Anger. Imperfections. Useless regrets. Sorrow. Loss. Disillusionment. Bitterness. Relationship ending (marriage, friendship, work) Despite feelings, do not give up hope- Look for the positive.

Six of Cups: Sharing friendship and/or love. Being as happy as a kid in a candy store. Nostalgia. Loving acceptance. Innocence. Times which have passed by and vanished.

Seven of Cups: Many choices being presented to you. Using one's imagination. Being scattered and focusing on too many things at once. Gains in love. Resolve. Success. Overactive imagination. Inability to choose a single path or goal. Dreaming instead of acting. Illusion.

Eight of Cups: Feeling abandoned. Picking up your stuff and moving on. Putting things in order. Reason. Old discarded for new. "Enough of this!" Rejection of material things and turning towards spiritual things.

Nine of Cups: Feeling satisfied. Pleasure. This card can also indicate a drinking/drug problem. Self satisfaction. Success. Wishes fulfilled. Sensual pleasures.

Ten of Cups: Total harmony achieved. Marriage. Victory. Celebration. Home. Joy. Familial bliss. Peac. Plenty. Contentment of the heart.

Page of Cups: A young, emotional person. The beginning of a love relationship (or ending of one - depending on whether it falls at the beginning or end of a spread). Emotions beginning to surface. Art. Emotional realization.

Knight of Cups: A teenager or young adult who is emotional. A lover who is not yet ready to commit, but is feeling very close to the questioner. Inspiration. Opportunity. Creativity.

Queen of Cups: A warm, loving woman who gives love as well as receiving it. A good mother. A perfect love match. Nurturing. Psychic. Emotional ties. Good insight. Gentleness.

King of Cups: A warm, loving man who is not afraid to embrace his feminine side. An intutitive man. A gentle, kindly man. Intuition. Counselor, Creative desire. Quiet Power.

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