Recents in Beach

Major Arcana Tarot ~ Tarot Card Meanings

Major Arcana Tarot are represented by the 22 card journey of the Fool from birth to enlightenment. When a member of the Major Arcana or "Trump" appears in a spread, one can expect significant developments in their life. These are cards of major importance.

We can view these cards as individual mirrors reflecting the important decisions and turning points in our lives. We can also view the cards together as a series or journey beginning with 0, the Fool Card and ending with 21, the World card.

0. The Fool - The journey of life begins with ignorance and hope.

1. The Magician - We begin by exploring our creative energy and understanding how tools and capabilities. will function in our lives.

2. The High Priestess - We begin to see how the tools we possess can be used to manipulate the material world. We also gain some intuition and begin to grasp the spiritual elements of life.

3. The Empress and 4. The Emperor - We now encounter the duality of masculinity and femininity, masculine dominion and authority and feminine nurturing and healing.

5. The Hierophant - This is the spiritual authority. Outside of the home and the mother/father influence, the spiritual leader also provides guidance. This is strict and conservative along traditional lines.

6. The Lovers - For the first time we begin to explore material pleasures in the form of personal contact and relationships.

7. The Chariot - We now learn to balance and control the passions we are beginning to experience. We learn the art of compromise and control.

8. Strength - We begin to develop the self-confidence and inner strength required to be a whole person.

9. The Hermit - It is now time to look within ourselves and develop our inner reflective abilities.

10. The Wheel of Fortune - We learn to handle the ups and downs of life, the fortunes and misfortunes that come our way.

11. Justice - We can now couple our knowledge of fortune and fate with the idea of justice and fair play.

12. The Hanged Man - With our understanding of justice, we learn which battles to fight and which ones to pass on. We learn self-control and sacrifice.

13. Death - This is a major turning point. We have gained much of our knowledge about life and now must learn to translate this information into something meaningful in our lives This is a time to meet the major challenges of our life.

14. Temperance - Having conquered the major challenge of our life, we learn a new sense of integrity and balance.

15. The Devil - If we were overconfident after our emergence, the Devil reminds us of our shortcomings as we must confront our own demons.

16. The Tower -
We learn to adjust to catastrophe and overcome our temptations and weaknesses.

17. The Star - We now begin to realize that the point of enlightenment can be attained and begin to lay out our path to enlightenment.

18. The Moon - We also learn that this path to fulfillment will not be an easy one and many obstacles still remain.

19. The Sun - We break through the darkness brought by the moon and can now understand the path to spiritual and material riches.

20. Judgment - We are now transformed into an enlightened creature in the spiritual world. We have a grasp of ultimate justice and understand our role in life.

21. The World - We now complete the circle, translating our spiritual enlightenment into worldly action. After viewing the ultimate truths of life we are able to act accordingly.

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