Recents in Beach

Suit of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings~ Pentacles ~

 Suit of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

~ Pentacles ~

Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Pentacles or Disks represent earth, the physical body and material world. This is the realm of practical skill and tangible assets. The is the area of facts and results and the application of our talents and skills.

Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo are the astrological signs for Disks.

Ace of Pentacles: A new job or promotion. Money coming to you. Prosperity. Material gains. Growth. Happines. Pure contentment. Attainment. Bright prospects- both material and spiritual.

Two of Pentacles: Juggling money or emotions "Robbing from Peter to pay Paul." Balance. Control. Harmony in the midst of conflect and change.

Three of Pentacles: A new home or place of residence. Redecorating. A new blue-print in life. Abundance. Artistic ability. Rank. Power. Achievement. Master craftsman. Work rewarded. Goods acquired. Pregnancy.

Four of Pentacles: Miser. Greed. Selfishness. Avarice. Suspicion. Mistrust. Inability to let go of anything. An emotional black hole. Shortsighteness. Imbalance. Desperation. Security. Endurance. Materialism.

Five of Pentacles: Looking for money and love in all the wrong places. Feeling left out in the cold. Feeling spiritually bankrupt. Lonliness. Destitution. Loss. Being out in the cold. Poor health. Spiritual impoverishment. Misery.

Six of Pentacles: Charity. The division of assets after a divorce or breakup. Money owed to you being paid. Gratification. Help with finances. Return of a favor. Gifts. Stability. Wealth. Sincerity. Balance.

Seven of Pentacles: Reaping what you have sown. Sitting back on your assets. Patience. Admiring/looking over what you have. Goal achieved. Cleverness. Material progress. Growth through hard work. Surprisingly good news.

Eight of Pentacles: Being very creative. Using creativity to balance a budget. Learning. Apprenticeship. Gaining new knowledge or skills. Creation. Nose to the grindstone.

Nine of Pentacles: Feeling financially secure. Feeling secure and comfortable in life. Being able to enjoy the goodness of things. Accomplishment. Discretion. Safety. Material comfort. Love of nature. Working alone. Security. Femininity.

Ten of Pentacles: An inheritance. A favorable marriage. (Could also be seen as marrying for money) Prosperity. Stability. Joy. Positive domestic changes. Family matters.

Page of Pentacles: A young child who is inquisitive and learning, often serious. A message coming to you about new income opportunities. Study. Deep concentraton. Scholarship news. A bringer of messages. A young person who makes the seeker proud. A careful child.

Knight of Pentacles: A slow, plodding but reliable person. Someone who will stick with a project no matter how long it takes to complete it. Responsible. Reliable. Utilitarian. A person who will help the seeker. Honorable. Solid. Possible Travel.

Queen of Pentacles: A wealthy woman. A warm generous woman- has the seekers best intrest at heart. Monetary gifts. Intelligence. Thoughtfulness. No fear of hard work.

King of Pentacles: A man who works hard for a living. An enterprising man. A man who likes the good life and has the money to live it. A rich man. Steady. Reilable. Earthy. Helpful. Sensual.

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